Josiah Mendes

Josiah Mendes

Hi, I'm Josiah [jow-sai-uh].

Currently finishing up my 4th year @ the National University of Singapore as part of an exchange program from Imperial College London learning and picking up skills as part of a MEng in Computer Engineering specialising in Computer Architecture and Digital Design. I also hold a part-time position @ Arm, and will be transitioning to a full-time position of graduate CPU engineer in September 2023.

My career centers around being in teams building the hardware technology that powers the lives of millions around the world, enabling them to do more. I'm passionate about the hardware that the world's software is built on and run on, whether that is for general-purpose computing in phones or for the acceleration of custom applications on FPGAs.

One of Arm's principles that really resonates personally is "Be Your Brilliant Self" - a reminder that work is not everything and that where we work is only one part of our identity. As a Christian committed to serving my local church I have led development for Android and iOS my church's app since 2020, built using Flutter and Dart. I also enjoy tinkering with my personal programming stack or running cool home automations or services on my first computer - a uniquely red Raspberry Pi obtained from my time growing up in Qingdao, China. The rest of my spare time is in following the ups and downs of Arsenal and the Warriors, playing football, volleyball, basketball or ultimate, enjoying a bit of FIFA, Football Manager and Forza Horizon, and trying to catch up on my ever-expanding reading list.

To keep up with my development (pun intended), follow me on GitHub or for the writing about the journey - RSS.


For professional inquiries, drop me an email at FirstnameLastname at icloud dot com, otherwise feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Thoughts and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not represent my employer (Arm) or my university (Imperial College/National University of Singapore).

Looking for a dark mode switch?